
Published and Accepted Papers
Expecting The Unexpected: Emissions Uncertainty and Environmental Market Design (with Severin Borenstein, James Bushnell, and Frank Wolak), American Economic Review 109(11) (2019): 1-26.
Anticipation and Environmental Regulation (with Katherine Rittenhouse), Journal of Environmental Economics and Management 89 (2018): 255-277.
The Effects Of Regulation in the Presence of Multiple Unpriced Externalities: Evidence from the Transportation Sector (with Antonio Bento, Daniel Kaffine, and Kevin Roth), American Economic Journal: Economic Policy  6(3) (2014): 1-29
Downstream Regulation of CO2 Emissions in California's Electricity Sector (with James Bushnell and Yihsu Chen), Energy Policy 64.1 (2014): 313-323.

Submitted and Working Papers

"The Market and Climate Implications of U.S. LNG Exports" (with Jim Stock) (2024)

"Are Carbon Markets Reshaping the U.S. Electricity Industry?" (with Bing Yang Tan) (2024)

"Incomplete Regulation, Output-Based Allocation, and Firm Behavior: Evidence from California’s GHG Market" (2023)

"Vertical Integration and Market Inefficiencies in Natural Gas and Electricity Markets" (with Levi Marks and Chuck Mason) (2022)

"Do Carbon Markets Affect Labor Markets? (Early) Evidence from an Economy-wide Climate Policy Experiment" (2021)
"Allocation, Efficiency, and Rent-Seeking in the All-Pay Auction with Resale" (2020)

Work in Progress

"Transportation, Partial Regulation and Emissions Leakage: Evidence from the Fatality Analysis Reporting System" (with Katherine Rittenhouse)

"The Macroeconomic Impacts of California's Economy-wide Carbon Market"

"Do Greenhouse Gas Regulations Provide Local Pollution Co-benefits?"

"The Economics of Radon" (with Lachlan Watkins)